How do I install WP Super Cache?
The free plugin WP Super Cache makes a copy of all your pages and messages so that they no longer need to be removed from the database. This causes your WordPress site to load a lot faster. In this article, we explain how to install and use WP Super Cache on your WordPress site.
Important: This knowledgebase article shows some optimalisation options that may or may not be available anymore in WP Super Cache.
This article assumes you are not experienced with WP Super Cache or another caching plugin. You are, of course, free to deviate from our recommended settings, but we can not guarantee proper operation of the plugin. To restore the default settings, click Restore Default Configuration at the bottom of the Advanced tab.
A caching plugin makes a copy of all your pages and messages. This can make certain adjustments to your website not immediately visible. If you find that this is the case, you can clear the cache by clicking Delete Cache under the Easy tab.
Step 1. Log in to WordPress.
Step 2. In the left menu, click Plugins and then New plugin at the top of the page.
Step 3. In the upper right corner of the search bar, enter WP Super Cache and press enter.
Step 4. Click Install Now under WP Super Cache. After the installation is completed, click Activate.
Step 5. Hold your mouse over the Settings menu and click on WP Super Cache.
Step 6. Under Caching, select Caching On (Recommended) and click Update Status.
Step 7. Chances are you will see a notification. Because you have just installed WP Super Cache, it does not apply to you. Click Dismiss to close the notification. It's not bad if you do not see the report.
Step 8. Click the Advanced tab. Make sure that you make the following settings. Scroll down and click Update Status.
Step 9. Congratulations! You have successfully installed, activated, and set WP Super Cache.