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How do I create/maintain FTP accounts through cPanel?

Through cpanel it’s possible to create a FTP account. This can be quite useful if someone else wants to work on FTP but you don’t want to give them your cPanel credentials.

In this article we’ll explain how to create FTP Accounts, delete them, change passwords and check the credentials to login with a FTP client.

Create a FTP Account

  • Login in cPanel.

  • Click FTP accounts below FILES
    Click Files

  • You can now enter the following information:

    • Log in: Give up an name you wish to use as your FTP username. It’s always .

    • Password: Fill in a password (or use the Password generator)

    • Password (again): Fill in your password again

    • Directory: Fill in what the starting folder will be if you connect with FTP. If you leave it blank, you will start at /home/domein1q.

    • Quota: Set this to Unlimited.

  • Click Create FTP Account.
    Create FTP Account

  • Hurray! You should be able to use the FTP account now. We have some manuals about how to do this with FIleZilla and Cyberduck.

Change the password of your FTP account

To change the password follow the next steps:

  • Click Change Password under the heading FTP Accounts

  • Fill in a password (or use the Password generator)

  • Click Change Password
    Change password

  • Your password is now changed

Delete a FTP Account

To delete a FTP Account follow the next steps:

  • Click Delete under the heading FTP Accounts

  • Click Delete.
    Delete a FTP account

  • Your FTP Account is deleted.

Check FTP-credentials for using a FTP-client

To check which credentials to use in a FTP client you follow the next steps:

  • Click Configure FTP Client under the heading FTP Accounts

  • You can now see the following credentials:

    • FTP Username

    • FTP server

    • FTP & explicit FTPS port
      Settings FTP client

NB! Don’t use the hostname. We recommend using or the server address of your hosting package.


This knowledgebase article was last updated on: 19 October 2017

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